Thursday, November 20, 2008

My cute nephews & niece!

Well, this week has been an eventful one! My sister and her husband are in Hawaii so my mom is watching 3 of my nephews, Kaiden, Rett, & Devin. It's been a mad house! If one set of kids is over, the rest of the grandkids have to come play. So i tried to occupy them so that my mom could have five minutes to herself. We went & watched Madagascar 2. So cute!! Afterwards when we got home i was playing with my camera & the all love their picture being taken, so we took pictures for fun! Here are some of them! To bad Seth & Connor weren't there!

Devin, Jake, Tacy, Rett, & Kaiden

My grandpa & his new wife Julie stopped by for a few hours from Utah so here the kids are with them!


Tacy, Rett, & Kaiden. Rett looks so thrilled!

Rett & Tacy


Jake & Devin


And the winner is...

(My fight picture)

Well i said i would fill you all in on how i did @ the fights. And the winner is.. Not Me! haha. It was kind of a long brutal day. Weigh ins were at 3:00 in Idaho falls. As i was on my way i got a phone call informing me the two girls from Boise no showed and they were wondering if i would fight a girl from Idaho falls. I was a bit hesitant so they had me come to weigh ins to see her, decide how i felt and let them know. I was basically told she hadn't trained for very long either, which made me feel ok... So i decided i'd go with it. Well comes to find out she's been training for over two years. I was informed of that about twenty minutes before my fight. Angry, very! But whatever, i wasn't going to back out.

(My fam wore t-shirts. The front said "You can't cage this animal" and this was the back)

There were about 6 guy fights before my fight. They kept announcing the girl fight was getting closer and the crowd was going crazy!! Everyone was stoked to watch two girls go duke it out. It was finally my turn and i was ready to throw up. They announced the other girl and she walked out and did her appearance, then it was me. Can you just imagine, "Fighting out of the red corner, BRANDALYN CRAPO!!! then i come walking out pretending i'm all tough or something. haha!

(Me being introduced)

(Walking the cat walk)

Anyways, the fight started and she clocked me once in the face, i kinda lost my balance but luckily caught myself. Then i jumped in and took her legs out, we wrestled on and off around the cage for two minutes & forty somethin seconds. Everytime i'd do a move and get her on top half the gym would go crazy, then if she did something good the other half would go wild. It was fun. She put me in a move, and i got out of it. But as i was getting out she punched me way hard in the head and then another and they ended up calling the fight. We had a little meeting before the fight and since she had a little more of an advantage they said if anyone got a few punches on the other girl they'd call it due to safety reasons. So she won, i was bummed. But to say the least i think i did a good job. I put up a fight and worked her over. Got a few good punches in.

(Me on top)

The next day i could hardly walk. I had bruises up and down my ribs from her kneeing me over and over again when she had me in a head lock, but i'm guessing she had the same cause while she was doing that i was punching her in the ribs. So.... I've decided i'm going to fight again. Crazy i know but i have to redeem myself. So i'm training and working my butt off and either December or January i'm jumpin in the cage again! Hopefully get a win this time!

(Me holding her against the cage, this is when she was kneeing my ribs and i was punching hers)

(My coach taking the tape off of my hands after the fight)