Thursday, November 20, 2008

My cute nephews & niece!

Well, this week has been an eventful one! My sister and her husband are in Hawaii so my mom is watching 3 of my nephews, Kaiden, Rett, & Devin. It's been a mad house! If one set of kids is over, the rest of the grandkids have to come play. So i tried to occupy them so that my mom could have five minutes to herself. We went & watched Madagascar 2. So cute!! Afterwards when we got home i was playing with my camera & the all love their picture being taken, so we took pictures for fun! Here are some of them! To bad Seth & Connor weren't there!

Devin, Jake, Tacy, Rett, & Kaiden

My grandpa & his new wife Julie stopped by for a few hours from Utah so here the kids are with them!


Tacy, Rett, & Kaiden. Rett looks so thrilled!

Rett & Tacy


Jake & Devin



Westlund Family said...

Hey you, check us out at

LaNdOn AnD cHe' said...

Hey! Didn't know you had a blog... super cute pictures!

Jess said...

HELLO BRANDALYN!! How are you doing! It's been awhile! Glad you have a blog! Email me at and I will send you an invite to ours! What have you been up to? How's your mom? Tell her hi!