Thursday, June 18, 2009

Catch up!

Well it's been quite a while since I've blogged anything so I just went through & found some of the latest things I've been up to, so here we go.

Me & my momma, just a freakin cute picture!
Me & Tacy comin home from eatin at the Olive Garden! Jakey Jake turned one!!
Me & Jake supportin the hood look...

I recently had my sister Angie & her family move in with me. They're living with me until they get their house built. So needless to say I get to spend more time with three of my cute nephews. They know how to keep everyone entertained that's for sure. We have our good & bad days like any family with kids I'm sure. I am sure learning how to be patient with kids though! :) A baseball bat got thrown through my tv a few weeks ago and no worries, the two older boys are still alive.... Barely. Just kidding!! They got to bed before I got home so I had time to cool off. Probably a good thing right? Anyways, every morning it's a fight for the bathroom. And if I beat the little ones to the shower then they're usually in the tub while I'm getting ready. The joy of having one bathroom for six people right? We have lots of fun hanging out though, whatever we end up doing that day.

Rett & Devon Otter Pop time!
Grocery shopping.... It does get crazy at times!
Finally!!!!!! BRAYDEN IS HOME! I've been waiting for this day for a way long time! It's been so fun to have him home. He hasn't changed a bit! We've had quite the fun times together already and I'm sure there is plenty more to come!
I AM HEALED! Ok maybe like 92.7685% healed. I still have a little gimp, BUT no more boot or crutches or any of the junk! WOO HOO! It's been great. Here's a pic of my new hardware though! Pretty cool.....
Softball has officially come & gone. Now it's on to the summer league! I'll post pics of that later though.
I'm sure there's lots of other fun things going on in my uneventful life, but my cameras at home with all the pictures so I will post more later. Hope you all are doing great!

1 comment:

Westlund Family said...

It's about time you updated!