Thursday, June 18, 2009


Well as you all know it was raining buckets tonight... SO.... Here's what we did to entertain ourselves. Talk about some fun! Only would this happen in our town... haha

Sweet picture right? Well here's how it started off, us nice & clean
I make it even more redneck in my SWEET muscle shirt....

It started off by running through puddles.

Then driving through the puddles....

Then Krista's brother Trevor came and met up with us, and I somehow ended up in the back of the pickup in the desert in the middle of no where.... Yep, as they drove through puddles.
It was quite the ride!

The Driver

Ya can't really tell but i'm soakin wet!!!

And a little bit.... Muddy!

Krista after her crazy ride!

Yep, that would be us sittin in a puddle in some random dirt road
So next time it pours, which will probably be tomorrow.... Seems like that's all it does around here anymore, now you all have an idea of what to do instead of sittin in the house being bored!


Brody & Roz said...

Hey! Cute pics! What have you been up to? I have not seen you in forever we really need to change that and do something. I hope things are going good for ya! Roz

LaNdOn AnD cHe' said...

Well now that looks like some quality entertainment! Miss you!